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Historical Reenactment
Video + Comprehension Test
Italians and Work
Interview + Comprehension Test
Italian Musicians talk about the Italian music scene
Interview + Comprehension Test
The Musical Tastes of the Italians
Interview + Comprehension Test
Italians’ New Year’s Resolutions
Interview with Transcription + Comprehension Test
The Best Italian Gelato?
Interview with Transcription + Comprehension Test
Italian with Songs
Boost your Italian through the power of music
At an Italian café
Easy Level A1 Dialogue + Comprehension Test
At an Italian Restaurant
Dialogue + Comprehension Test
Rent a Car in Italy
Dialogue + Comprehension Test
A1 Level Vocabulary
Essential vocabulary list, organized by grammatical categories
A must-have for beginners
Italianissimo BBC
Vintage learning video series by BBC
Italian-English false friends
Words that might look similar, but have very different meanings
Idiomatic expressions
Expressions that are used in daily conversations and what they truly mean
Italian Proverbs
Enrich your Italian with some timeless wisdom
Esercizi di ascolto e comprensione orale
Listening and oral comprehension exercises