Presente progressivo

Present progressive
If you want to highlight that an action is taking place right now you'll need to use the present progressive, that is equivalent to the English verbs ending in -ing when used with the present tense of to be as in "I am reading".

You don't use the present progressive to talk about the near future, as you would in English with a statement like "I'm going to Italy tomorrow." The presente progressivo is used to highlight that actions taking place at this moment.

Vero o falso?
True or false?
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La persona A chiede alla persona B cosa fa per vivere.
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Risultato | Result
La persona B studia ingegneria.
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La persona A lavora nel campo dell'informatica.
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La persona B vuole sapere esattamente quale lavoro fa la persona A.
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Risultato | Result
La persona A è già un ingegnere informatico.
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Risultato | Result
La persona B trova noioso il lavoro della persona A.
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Risultato | Result
La persona A trova interessante il fatto che la persona B studi ingegneria.
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Puoi fare di meglio
You can do better than this
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Così così
Ricomincia | Start again
Ottimo lavoro!
Good job!
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