A: A che ora apre il centro commerciale?;At what time does the supermarket open?
B: Mmm, alle nove. Adesso sono le otto e mezza. Prendiamo un caffè mentre aspettiamo?;Mmm, at nine. It's eight-thirty now. Shall we have a cup of coffee while we're waiting?
A: Buona idea, ma io oggi prendo un tè.;Good idea, however, today I'll take a cup of tea.
B: Come preferisci, andiamo al bar!;As you prefer, let's go to the bar!
-IRE verbs come in two types:
the first is a regular, normal Italian verb, such as dormire (to sleep): to the stem, add the ending -o, -i, -e, -iamo, -ite, or -ono according to the subject
the second is known as an -isc- verb, such as capire (to understand), because all the conjugated forms, except for noi and voi, insert the letters "ISC" between the stem and the endings: -isco, -isci, -isce, -iamo, -ite, or -iscono:
Io apr<b>o</b>;I open;Io cap<b>isco</b>;I understand
Tu apr<b>i</b>;You open; Tu cap<b>isci</b>;You understand
Lui / Lei apr<b>e</b>;He / She opens; Lui / Lei cap<b>isce</b>;He / She understands
Noi apr<b>iamo</b>;We open; Noi cap<b>iamo</b>;We understand
Voi apr<b>ite</b>;You open;Voi cap<b>ite</b>;You understand
Loro apr<b>ono</b>;They open;Loro cap<b>iscono</b>;They understand
To recap, the patterns of the indicativo presente of regular verbs ending in -ire are:
Subject;1° -IRE pattern;2° -IRE pattern
Lui / Lei;<b>-E</b>;<b>-ISCE</b>